Thursday, February 28, 2008

A Tall, Black, Funny Guy? What?

Take the Quiz

I saw on Becky's website that she was a match with Brad Pitt...didn't really surprise me! I bet mine won't surprise some either!

Monday, February 25, 2008

My Other Goddaughter!

Now that I understand how to upload a video, I put up the other video that I've had since Christmas that I just love. This is my other goddaughter, Victoria (and a little bit of Kaylei) doing their dance recital finale, Silent Night. They have done this ending ever since they started it's neat to see how they grow each year. I wish I would have been able to get a better angle, but oh well!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Testing Out Video

I wanted to test my ability to put video on my site. This is from my goddaughter, Samantha's birthday!

Friday, February 22, 2008

Stir Crazy

So the weather is really getting to me. I'm finally getting over my cold but I'm stuck inside because of the weather. I haven't started running again because I still have a cough that acts up. The weather isn't even that bad and we didn't have school yesterday or today. I attached a picture of what the dogs and I have been doing a lot lately....vegging infront of the TV and of the ice after the first storm. That's how thick the ice was on my car! Randy and I definitely worked hard on chipping all of that off.

I need help from someone who knows how to download videos. I can't get mine to download and I have some cute ones I want to put online.

On another note, I took a quiz online and I don't have an eating disorder...I'm sure you're thinking...duh..but I thought maybe I had a food addiction because there are some days I just can't say no, but turns out my thoughts on food are normal (according to the online survey) So now I'm going to ask all you other normal people, how do you tell yourself no, you don't need it. Because I struggle. Especially when I'm out in public. I know that what I say to myself sets me up for ahead you deserve it... but what thoughts do I replace it with?