Thursday, January 31, 2008

Back In The Saddle Again!

I ran today on the treadmill. Something I had not down in about 2 weeks. I know that's a long time. I've been so stressed about other things that I haven't been worrying about my health. But because of the snow tonight, winter guard practice was canceled and I could run. I don't have school tomorrow and I plan on running again. Yeah for snow! It's helping out my health!

Sunday, January 27, 2008


I have to check in and tell everyone that I am really struggling with eating well and working out. This last week I told myself at the beginning of the week, if I didn't work out, it was no big deal because I had color guard almost every night of the week and I knew I would be pressed for time. Well, it was the wrong message to send to myself, because on Tuesday I didn't have any school, a treadmill in my home, and I didn't work out!

And the eating healthy is not really working well for me either. If there is junk food around, I eat it. Friday at work they had cake, chips and dip. Killer! It's like I have not willpower.

To top it off I'm so tired all the time. Today I took a two hour nap and I feel like I could go to bed right now!

I know that I'm over scheduled and I am lacking sleep. Why do I need so much sleep to function!?! I have lots of friends who don't get eight hours a night and function well. What am I don't wrong?

I'm feeling a little frustrated right now, can you tell?

Wednesday, January 9, 2008


So the last two days have really messed with my working out. We had at least four tornadic storms roll through Republic on Monday night. I was taking shelter from the time I got home until about 9:30 off and on and then again at 2:30 a.m. Then on Tuesday night I planned on going to sleep early because of the stress from the night before, BUT Randy's car stopped working. We finally got it started and dropped it off at the mechanics last night. I wanted to stress eat so bad because we really don't have a lot of extra money to fix the car, plus we had to fix the furnace yesterday too. So I called a friend on the way to the shop and got a good pep talk, thanks Jennifer! Then when I got home I closed my eyes and envisioned a healther me and thought about the food I wanted to eat. Then I thought that the food wouldn't get me closer to the goal or make the car work either, so I didn't eat!

Jennifer told me to stay positive and it turns out I should have. It was a small part that cost about $250, way better than what Randy thought it was (his transmission). So...I didn't need to stress...and even though I did, I didn't eat it away!

One for the calendar!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Calendar Save

The calendar saved me today. At four o'clock today I was thinking about how I didn't have anything positive to write on my calendar. So I put on my tennis shoes, grabbed the leashes and went for a run with the dogs. You might think that my dachshunds' little legs couldn't keep up, unless you've met my dachshunds and then you would know that they LOVE IT when I take them to run!

Jennifer is feels like the treadmill lies when you go outside and run! I went farther and ran longer than I had on the treadmill. And at the end of my workout I had something to write on the calendar and two tired dogs who spent the rest of the evening on the sofa!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Thanks for the Support

Thanks Carrie, Becky, Jennifer and Melody for your encouragement. It's good to know that I have people out there cheering me on! I thought of each one of you today when I got home from school. Instead of pigging out because of my stressful day, I ran on the treadmill! I couldn't believe I had the energy because I felt drained, and it WAS hard, but once I got done...I felt so much better. I had energy to finish the work I needed to get done today for school.

I also have decided that I'm going to write on a calendar one positive thing I'm doing each day to promote my health. I think part of my problem is that I always want to do everything perfectly, and if I have one mistake, I get down on myself. So this way I can see all the things that I have done well.

Thanks again, I really do need the push!