Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Randy, my friend Colleen, and I went to an Obama rally the Sat. before he was elected.  I know, I'm a little late in putting it up...I'll blame that one on Parent/Teacher conference week.  Regardless of you you feel politically, I think any observer would have been impressed by the energy in the stadium before, during and after his speech.  

Randy was excited enough to make it through 7 hours of line waiting and standing on the football field.  He sat down for maybe 10 mins. of that time.  I could not believe that he could physically make it through all that standing, but he was determined.  He is now officially the first president either of us have ever seen in person.

We are obviously Obama supporters, and all I can say is that it was all I expected it to be! 

Friday, October 3, 2008

The Wonderful Weather

The weather has been so wonderful!  I love being outside...even for recess and car duty.  Last weekend I took the girls to the zoo.  Even the donkey was excited about the weather!  We had more fun posing with the Halloween decorations (talking with the Shrek characters) and posing with the statues (the "frog prince")!   I took the dogs for a walk on the weekend too and they loved it!  This weekend....some fall festivals and a band competition.  Fox High School Marching Band was sited at a Springfield hotel tonight preparing for the band competition tomorrow...for anyone who may have been a part of that program in the past!

Monday, September 22, 2008

The Tomb Wedding

The Tomb wedding was so fun!  Very personalized and romantic.  I can't take credit for most of the pictures, because Randy had my camara.  He had fun snapping shots through the whole night!  AND I did fit into the dress, but my dancing was a little stiff (:

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Randy's good

After 13 hours in the hospital, Randy is finally done with his fistula surgery and doing good.  Who knew we'd have to wait so long for a 30 min. procedure.  He was supposed to get there at 9:30 and go in at 1pm, but his doctor had some emergency procedures and did not get to him until 8:00pm.  I felt so sorry for Randy because he couldn't eat all day.  Now I'm wired because all I did was sit around in waiting rooms and take little naps here and there.  That's okay though cause my poor pups were in their cage the entire time so they want to be out running around anyway.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Okay, so normally I'm not for crash dieting (hello my blog is diet hater!)  But I have a problem on my hands.  The dress ordered for Jennifer's wedding was ordered a size too small...and with two weeks until the wedding, I can't really get a new one.  It zips up but it's tiiiight!  So I'm really cutting back on sodium (in hopes of losing some water weight) and watching what I eat.  

Since it's been the beginning of the year, I've let myself eat whatever I wanted to get through the stress....not a good habit I realize.  So now I'm paying for it.  I've got to go to bed early so I can get up and run tomorrow.  Surely I can lose a few pounds so that I feel a little more comfortable!  If you know I can't...don't tell me (:

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The End of the Summer

So I've been away for awhile!  Traveling and getting ready for school.  The pictures kind of recap my summer...lots of time at farmer's markets since I didn't grow my own veggies this year, time spent up in Ohio (seeing my grandma's house for the last time while it belongs to her), AND going to the Omaha zoo with Randy (SOO much fun)!  Are you impressed with my photography?  My new camera rocks and I've been trying to be a little more artistic with the things that I capture.

I'm back now in the routine of teaching.  My bodies sore from standing up all day long.  The day with kindergartners wears me out, but no paperwork when I get home!  I feel healthier now because I'm back to making a lot of my meals instead of going out all the time like you do when you're on vacation.  Sadly, the summer did not help with my weight loss and I have a wedding looming in front of me.  But I'm going to try and not worry about it too much.  I'm not going to be the one everyone is looking at anyway!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Kidney Walk

I've been out of town since we had our Kidney Walk! But we did complete it! We raised the $500 goal for our team too! It was a fun filled day and I plan on doing it again next year! Thanks to everyone who came out and walked with us! It was definitely a day of love (:

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Feeling a Little Down

Randy's fistula isn't working as well as it should. About a week ago he had to have some work done on it. Now his doctor says that it could be wearing out and he will need a new one. He has already had two put in his left arm so this means they'll have to move to the right. Which will change life as we know it. His right arm has always been the one that he could use. But now, both arms will be weak. I feel so defeated and upset for him. Through it all, he keeps saying that he feels lucky that it's lasted this long and it could be worse. I know that's what I should be thinking, but I can't wrap my mind around it. I keep thinking there has to be another way, but I don't know what it is.

And to make it worse, in a few weeks I'm supposed to leave town for two family reunions....last year at this time I missed my planned trips to see family because of issues with his fistula. It's like God doesn't want me to visit my family or something. Sorry, just feeling a little down!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

A Week of Lessons!

I have been without internet all week and it has been driving me crazy!! I took my computer to school to do a slide show for the kids and parents and when I brought it back my modem wouldn't work! Now I have a new modem and I'm back online.

I'm proud to say that I was going strong all week. I ran for the third time on Wednesday and I fully expected to get in the four workouts. Then on Friday we had a field day and I forgot to bring sunscreen. (I know, how long will it take me to figure out that I'm pale!) So since I got home from school on Friday I have been laying around trying not to touch my skin! You should see me...I have a line where my whistle strap was!

So much to tell about this week! Finally, a week ago I actually danced on stage at a dance recital. When I first met Randy I told him that I always wished I could have stayed in dance as a kid and taken ballet. The first Christmas we were together he bought me a necklace with a ballerina charm on it. This year I finally decided to stop wishing and just take a class. I had no intention of performing, just learning. BUT when everyone else in the adult class wanted to perform, I couldn't say no. I have never been so nervous, my upper lip was actually shaking on stage. I think it was all the stage mom's behind the curtain staring at us like we were crazy. I'm glad that Randy, Jennifer, Melody and the girls came because it was nice to have people there to support me. Looking back, I'm glad I did it. I can say that I actually followed my wishes, instead of letting embarrassment stop me.

How does this relate to weight loss? I guess I feel like it's opened something new in my life. I'm trying to be healthier for me, instead of because of what others think. I'm trying to follow my heart and be a little more fearless. I really don't ever want to perform again, but I love taking the classes and I'm going to continue with that, just for me and no one else.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Working Out Last Week

I put the picture of the flower that I took in Washington DC last month, just because it makes me happy!

I set a goal to work out four times last week.  I only ran on my treadmill three times, BUT I did have a different sort of workout on Monday night.  Our school had an hour long sock hop and I danced for at least a good solid 45 mins. with my kiddos.  Then I left, and went to my adult ballet class that I'm taking for another 45 mins.  I was very sore on Tuesday!!!

I could have run four times, if I would have planned a little better.  I didn't get to do my first run until Wednesday because of the sock hop, a before school meeting and a baby shower.  This week I planned out my four days to run so that I don't get stuck and unable to get it in.

I do have to say that I'm a little disappointed in my weight loss.  Randy and I have really been working hard on eating better.  I know it's only been a little while, but I thought I might lose something.  How many calories make a pound?

Thanks for everyone's support!!!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

My Kid Can Read When No One's Looking

After I wrote my last post, I started thinking about how I had to stop looking for excuses. I was talking to my brother about some parents that give me every excuse to why their kid is struggling. My favorite is, well they read at home. And then when I start asking questions, it ends up the kids reading in his room by himself. So how do you know he's reading what's on the page? My brother said, "Sometimes people don't want to get rid of the excuses because then they won't have it to fall back on. They have to start trying to fix the problem." After I hung up the phone I thought, that's what I'm doing! So I'm asking all who read this, if I start making excuses for not working out or eating right, just say, "My kid can read at home when no one's watching!" I picked the picture of Sam because she's saying, "Come on, we don't believe you're excuses!" And plus she's too cute with her chocolate pudding face!

So I'm happy to report that last week I ran two times before school. And this week I ran three times, all after school or on the weekend. Next week I'm setting a goal to work out four days. I won't tell you how fast I'm running, because it's slow. But it doesn't matter. I'm running farther than I ever have on my treadmill and I feel pretty good while I'm doing it.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The Season has Ended and I Have NO Excuse

The winter guard season is finished, things are wrapping up at school, and the days are getting longer. I have no more excuses not to run. Last week I woke up early two times during the week so that I could run. It felt good to start my day out like that, but it's sometimes hard to remember when I'm real tired in the morning. I feel like I'm hitting a mental block that I can't get through. I know that I can run, but I seem to sabotage myself anytime I get started. Randy's been helping me by starting to prepare healthier meals. But I still struggle with making the right food choices when the wrong ones are in front of me and I still struggle with making time to work out. I feel really vulnerable, saying this out loud. But I don't know what to do to get over it. I know that I did it once before, but I don't remember how I did it.

I do have to say though, how cute are these girls???!!! All I said was, "Pose." Do they have performance blood in them, I think so!

Sunday, March 23, 2008


Randy and I gave up red meat for Lent. Randy wanted to reduce his sodium so he decided that this might help. It has not been easy and let me tell you that for about a week in the middle, I dreamed of hamburgers. SO today was Easter and my dad grilled steaks for Easter dinner. I ate it and it tasted bloody to me. It was cooked with a little red in the middle, which is how I usually like my steaks. And now I feel like I smell like meat and my tummy does not feel the best. Isn't it weird how your body reacts when you stop eating something for just a little while. Maybe I should try this with chocolate next!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

A Tall, Black, Funny Guy? What?

Take the Quiz

I saw on Becky's website that she was a match with Brad Pitt...didn't really surprise me! I bet mine won't surprise some either!

Monday, February 25, 2008

My Other Goddaughter!

Now that I understand how to upload a video, I put up the other video that I've had since Christmas that I just love. This is my other goddaughter, Victoria (and a little bit of Kaylei) doing their dance recital finale, Silent Night. They have done this ending ever since they started it's neat to see how they grow each year. I wish I would have been able to get a better angle, but oh well!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Testing Out Video

I wanted to test my ability to put video on my site. This is from my goddaughter, Samantha's birthday!

Friday, February 22, 2008

Stir Crazy

So the weather is really getting to me. I'm finally getting over my cold but I'm stuck inside because of the weather. I haven't started running again because I still have a cough that acts up. The weather isn't even that bad and we didn't have school yesterday or today. I attached a picture of what the dogs and I have been doing a lot lately....vegging infront of the TV and of the ice after the first storm. That's how thick the ice was on my car! Randy and I definitely worked hard on chipping all of that off.

I need help from someone who knows how to download videos. I can't get mine to download and I have some cute ones I want to put online.

On another note, I took a quiz online and I don't have an eating disorder...I'm sure you're thinking...duh..but I thought maybe I had a food addiction because there are some days I just can't say no, but turns out my thoughts on food are normal (according to the online survey) So now I'm going to ask all you other normal people, how do you tell yourself no, you don't need it. Because I struggle. Especially when I'm out in public. I know that what I say to myself sets me up for ahead you deserve it... but what thoughts do I replace it with?

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Back In The Saddle Again!

I ran today on the treadmill. Something I had not down in about 2 weeks. I know that's a long time. I've been so stressed about other things that I haven't been worrying about my health. But because of the snow tonight, winter guard practice was canceled and I could run. I don't have school tomorrow and I plan on running again. Yeah for snow! It's helping out my health!

Sunday, January 27, 2008


I have to check in and tell everyone that I am really struggling with eating well and working out. This last week I told myself at the beginning of the week, if I didn't work out, it was no big deal because I had color guard almost every night of the week and I knew I would be pressed for time. Well, it was the wrong message to send to myself, because on Tuesday I didn't have any school, a treadmill in my home, and I didn't work out!

And the eating healthy is not really working well for me either. If there is junk food around, I eat it. Friday at work they had cake, chips and dip. Killer! It's like I have not willpower.

To top it off I'm so tired all the time. Today I took a two hour nap and I feel like I could go to bed right now!

I know that I'm over scheduled and I am lacking sleep. Why do I need so much sleep to function!?! I have lots of friends who don't get eight hours a night and function well. What am I don't wrong?

I'm feeling a little frustrated right now, can you tell?

Wednesday, January 9, 2008


So the last two days have really messed with my working out. We had at least four tornadic storms roll through Republic on Monday night. I was taking shelter from the time I got home until about 9:30 off and on and then again at 2:30 a.m. Then on Tuesday night I planned on going to sleep early because of the stress from the night before, BUT Randy's car stopped working. We finally got it started and dropped it off at the mechanics last night. I wanted to stress eat so bad because we really don't have a lot of extra money to fix the car, plus we had to fix the furnace yesterday too. So I called a friend on the way to the shop and got a good pep talk, thanks Jennifer! Then when I got home I closed my eyes and envisioned a healther me and thought about the food I wanted to eat. Then I thought that the food wouldn't get me closer to the goal or make the car work either, so I didn't eat!

Jennifer told me to stay positive and it turns out I should have. It was a small part that cost about $250, way better than what Randy thought it was (his transmission). So...I didn't need to stress...and even though I did, I didn't eat it away!

One for the calendar!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Calendar Save

The calendar saved me today. At four o'clock today I was thinking about how I didn't have anything positive to write on my calendar. So I put on my tennis shoes, grabbed the leashes and went for a run with the dogs. You might think that my dachshunds' little legs couldn't keep up, unless you've met my dachshunds and then you would know that they LOVE IT when I take them to run!

Jennifer is feels like the treadmill lies when you go outside and run! I went farther and ran longer than I had on the treadmill. And at the end of my workout I had something to write on the calendar and two tired dogs who spent the rest of the evening on the sofa!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Thanks for the Support

Thanks Carrie, Becky, Jennifer and Melody for your encouragement. It's good to know that I have people out there cheering me on! I thought of each one of you today when I got home from school. Instead of pigging out because of my stressful day, I ran on the treadmill! I couldn't believe I had the energy because I felt drained, and it WAS hard, but once I got done...I felt so much better. I had energy to finish the work I needed to get done today for school.

I also have decided that I'm going to write on a calendar one positive thing I'm doing each day to promote my health. I think part of my problem is that I always want to do everything perfectly, and if I have one mistake, I get down on myself. So this way I can see all the things that I have done well.

Thanks again, I really do need the push!