Wednesday, January 9, 2008


So the last two days have really messed with my working out. We had at least four tornadic storms roll through Republic on Monday night. I was taking shelter from the time I got home until about 9:30 off and on and then again at 2:30 a.m. Then on Tuesday night I planned on going to sleep early because of the stress from the night before, BUT Randy's car stopped working. We finally got it started and dropped it off at the mechanics last night. I wanted to stress eat so bad because we really don't have a lot of extra money to fix the car, plus we had to fix the furnace yesterday too. So I called a friend on the way to the shop and got a good pep talk, thanks Jennifer! Then when I got home I closed my eyes and envisioned a healther me and thought about the food I wanted to eat. Then I thought that the food wouldn't get me closer to the goal or make the car work either, so I didn't eat!

Jennifer told me to stay positive and it turns out I should have. It was a small part that cost about $250, way better than what Randy thought it was (his transmission). So...I didn't need to stress...and even though I did, I didn't eat it away!

One for the calendar!


Carrie said...

That is a good point, food won't make the car work.

jenns said...

I'm so glad the car problem was a relatively small fix!

I like the idea of visualizing your goal and thinking about what you "want" to do and whether it helps or hinders your efforts. I need to use that strategy more often, too. I'm glad I could're always here for me, too!

MamaKess said...

I too need to use imagery to stay positive. I don't use it nearly enough, but after listening to how it worked for you, I think I will try it next time I feel stressed. You are doing awesome! Keep it up:)