Saturday, May 3, 2008

My Kid Can Read When No One's Looking

After I wrote my last post, I started thinking about how I had to stop looking for excuses. I was talking to my brother about some parents that give me every excuse to why their kid is struggling. My favorite is, well they read at home. And then when I start asking questions, it ends up the kids reading in his room by himself. So how do you know he's reading what's on the page? My brother said, "Sometimes people don't want to get rid of the excuses because then they won't have it to fall back on. They have to start trying to fix the problem." After I hung up the phone I thought, that's what I'm doing! So I'm asking all who read this, if I start making excuses for not working out or eating right, just say, "My kid can read at home when no one's watching!" I picked the picture of Sam because she's saying, "Come on, we don't believe you're excuses!" And plus she's too cute with her chocolate pudding face!

So I'm happy to report that last week I ran two times before school. And this week I ran three times, all after school or on the weekend. Next week I'm setting a goal to work out four days. I won't tell you how fast I'm running, because it's slow. But it doesn't matter. I'm running farther than I ever have on my treadmill and I feel pretty good while I'm doing it.


Becky said...

Look at you! I love how you recognized your own excuses and just started "doing". Good job!

MamaKess said...

I love that you have Sam's picture as motivation:) You are already better than your parents who make excuses because you recognize that you need to make a change. You go girl...don't worry, every time I see you reach for that brownie, I am going to say, "but my child reads at home when no one is looking"!

Carrie said...

It doesn't matter how fast you run, just that you run.
I know you can do it.