Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The End of the Summer

So I've been away for awhile!  Traveling and getting ready for school.  The pictures kind of recap my summer...lots of time at farmer's markets since I didn't grow my own veggies this year, time spent up in Ohio (seeing my grandma's house for the last time while it belongs to her), AND going to the Omaha zoo with Randy (SOO much fun)!  Are you impressed with my photography?  My new camera rocks and I've been trying to be a little more artistic with the things that I capture.

I'm back now in the routine of teaching.  My bodies sore from standing up all day long.  The day with kindergartners wears me out, but no paperwork when I get home!  I feel healthier now because I'm back to making a lot of my meals instead of going out all the time like you do when you're on vacation.  Sadly, the summer did not help with my weight loss and I have a wedding looming in front of me.  But I'm going to try and not worry about it too much.  I'm not going to be the one everyone is looking at anyway!