Monday, December 31, 2007


I did run today on the treadmill. It wasn't my best run, but I did it. No excuses for me today. Randy and I also started painting the guest bedroom. Don't worry Cardinal fans, it isn't going to be Cub blue! There probably will be some pictures and knick knacks that are Cub and Notre Dame related. I think our St. Louis friends could still manage to stay in the room without being too offended!!


Carrie said...

Great job. Keep it up.

Becky said...

Good job with the run! Treadmill running is hard. And don't worry about your Nintendo day. One day of crappy eating and inactivity won't hurt you. Just focus ahead!

jenns said...

I can't wait to see the new room...I may miss the blue, though ;)

You're doing a great job running. Just think--we always have an alternative (to sit on our couches), but we make the choice to increase our activity. Our hearts thank us for that!

Anonymous said...

I'm so excited about your treadmill! That was probably the best purchase you made on black friday:)--Melody