Thursday, December 20, 2007

Taking on Others Stress

Thanks to everyone who send their encouragement. It's good to know that others "have your back"

Can I just tell you that I know that I eat when I'm stressed. It's like a bad habit that has turned into an addiction. The last few days I have been really upset because one of my students has really sucky parents. I'm not talking about parents who maybe don't raise their kids the way you think they should, or even parents who might have occasional lapse in judgement. I'm talking about parents who don't really care about their child. Parents who abadon their child and don't make sure their basic needs are being met each day. I have a student whose life is unimaginable for me and today I just finally sat down and cried about it. I feel so helpless.

I always start the year out thinking about how I would want my kids to be treated if they were in my class. I'd say 99% of my students have parents that love them as much as I do and probably more. But sometimes, I think I'm the only one in their life that really loves them. And that is SAD!

Anyway, I write this because I cannot keep taking on these stresses as my own. Tonight I ate a gingerbread cookie and milk, cried a little about how upset and angry I was about it. But I need other ways to reduce my stress. I know that I should have run, but I got home at 7:00 and I feel like I'm starting to get sick. Maybe that's a poor excuse, but I really don't want to get my Grandma sick when I head up to Ohio

Any ways others reduce work related stress?


Becky said...

I understand that it's hard to deal with stress without the "food aspect" of it. I struggle with this also. And when you can't exercise, how can you deal without overeating??? hmmm....blogging is a good outlet. Call a friend and vent! Crank up some music and jam out. Get online and buy something for yourself! These all may sound corny but they're better than overeating! I'm glad to see you're recording your journey via blog!

Diet Hater said...

Thanks Becky, I forgot about music. That does always make me feel better. I need to start using my ipod other places than just the treadmill.

jenns said...

I think that blogging is a good way to destress, too. I love to plug in my earbuds/mp3 player and just write like crazy in my journal. Journaling is a great way to reflect later on, as well.

Carrie said...

I always like the load music in the car to decrease stress. I like to look at pictures that make me laugh so I keep a few on my computer under a file market smile. Sometime just letting out a loud scream helps to make people feel better. I like Bec’s shopping idea.

Carrie said...

I meant loud music.