Okay...no offense to overweight teenage boys, I just felt like I could relate to them today. For Christmas my brother bought me an original Nintendo with Super Mario Brothers. I have NEVER owned any type of game system before in my life. So I'm 30 and I'm asking for a Nintendo. All my friends had them when I was in junior high, but not me. Well there is a shop in my hometown that refurbishes Nintendos and has all the games to go with it.
So all day today I played Mario Brothers and ate! I did clean a little, but I didn't even take a shower. I know, gross. I kept telling myself I wasn't going to shower because I was going to run. Well it's 11 o'clock at night and I have not run, but I've made it to level 4-4. Pitiful! So I unplugged the Nintendo so tomorrow can be a little more productive. I see how people become addicted to these kind of things.
I had to write this down because I was going to pretend like it didn't happen. I was going to pretend like I didn't eat all my Christmas candy from my stocking, pizza rolls, peanuts, popcorn, and cookies today. But I did. And I can't pretend like it didn't happen.
Tomorrow I'm starting with a run and then a trip to Lowes to buy primer for our first house project!
Hey, you're pretty good at Super Mario Brothers though...you could kick my ars any day ;)
I had fun watching you all act like teenagers playing that game. BUT, if you sit down with a soda and a bag of chips while playing, I'm gonna have to take the controller away!--Melody
It would be too hard to play with greasy fingers (:
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